
Friday, December 31, 2010


New Year's Eve is a reflective time for me--like the year in review on many programs. I learned many years ago though, not to look back to previous resolution lists. It's just verification of all I haven't accomplished! My list comprises of things I believe are possible, like: loose weight, stay in touch with friends and family, pay off credit cards, finish my book, oh yes, and loose weight!
     This is also a time of gratitude for the well-being of each person in my circle. We all might have wished to win the lottery, travel to beautiful places, never have a bad day and look like Angelina Jolie (or Brad Pitt), but we're still here and not doing too bad!
     As much as I wonder what this new year will bring, perhaps it's best I'm not a seer--sometimes life is hard enough without knowing what's coming. How would I live if I knew I only had xx days to live? My natural inclination would be to jam as much living into every day as possible, but in reality I'd probably be paralyzed with grief at all I'd be missing and waste most of the time left. So, maybe the old paradigm of savoring each moment is still what life is about.
     That doesn't mean I'm not writing resolutions this year. I know this will be the someday I will fit in the closet-full of (outdated) clothes, finish my book and get a fabulous publishing offer and live happy ever after (or at least another twenty years). It all starts tomorrow.
     Happy New Year. I wish you life, love and laughter.