
Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The cold I've had is losing its grip, hallelujah! so after today I'm hopeful I can get back to my Tuesday/Saturday post schedule.
     Everyone loves a laugh, but how many of us love laughing at ourselves??? Not me, but some of the stuff I do is too dumb to keep. Here are some recent examples:
  1. I broke the cardinal rule of turning while driving last week: look right twice, and left once. I looked right--NO cars anywhere in sight. Looked left--several cars two blocks away. I started making my left turn and out of nowhere a pickup truck appeared in front of me, from the right! I have no idea where that guy came from! We both stopped (several feet from point of impact), but instead of completing his turn (he DID have the right of way), the pickup driver just sat and glared at me. I know I was in the wrong, but what was I supposed to do at that point?? A car had pulled up behind me--I couldn't go back; the pickup blocked a right turn, and the cars from the left were approaching. Finally I just stepped on the gas and continued my left turn, while the pickup driver sat blocking at least one of the lanes for the approaching vehicles. Perhaps I scared the begebbers out of him and it took a while to get his shaking hands under control. Since there were no screeching tires, no horns, no contact, I didn't pull over after I completed the turn, wishing instead to just slither away with my lesson learned. If you're reading this pickup driver, I'm sorry!
  2. Same night ( I guess you could call this a bad day!). I set out my night pills and stored my morning pills in a little container. Then I opened the container, swallowed the morning pills and stood looking at the night pills on the counter! Hopefully they all worked out which way they were supposed to go and when, because I'm still here. Come to think of it, that was the day this cold started...
  3. The second Thursday of every month is a set date with some of my friends--so set that occasionally I don't mark it on the calendar. Big mistake. When another invitation came along this week, I accepted--after all there was nothing on the calendar! DUH!!! (See my mother knew what I'd be like when she named me!)
Well. I guess I've shared enough humiliation for today. Besides, I need to go check on Mike in the other room. I can hear him saying (rather loudly) "No!" Help!" Operator!" "Help!" "I need help!" to his phone. Must be one of those annoying voice recognition answering systems. :}

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