Last post May 7, 2011. Hmmmm. My week away sure knocked my routine out of whack, but it was worth it.
Sisters week--a time around Mother's Day when my three sisters and I try to get together--is always fun. If it isn't laughing, or eating, it's playing highly competitive card games or putting puzzles together or walking or quizzing our mother on her memories of her early days.
Winter has been reluctant to release its hold on northern Utah this year and the wet weather forced us in most of the time. But we still managed to spend a day buying and planting flowers in my mother's yard. It's the gift that keeps giving all summer (if summer ever comes this year!!), and Mom loves looking at them from the house or while sitting out in the shade.
I arrived home to find my own flower beds clogged with weeds. Evidently the prolific nuisances like stormy weather. At least when the rain clears it should be easy to yank the pests out by their roots. Between the yard and this dirty house--which I'm sure I left clean--there's plenty to keep me busy--and might help my weight!
Unfortunately this past week involved too much eating and too little exercise and the few pounds I'd been able to chalk up on the negative side of the scale are now a plump plus! And, since I've been home I haven't been able to get back into my previous regime--ughhhhhhhhh! Maybe I can blame that on the rain too! Comfort foods just sound (and taste) much better on stormy days. :}
Look for an account of the high and low lights of my "Sister's Week" on Saturday.