
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Beautiful Day

Today dawned cold, crisp and clear--a big change from this past weekend when Northern Utah suffered under a red smog alert. Left over fall leaves are being pushed south and snow on the mountains framed in my window is being blown into billowing puffs. It's a wonderful view--from inside. Outside the briskness lowered the wind-chill factor to the minus range. But...I'm not complaining. I'm warm and toasty looking out at it.
     Today turned out different than I expected it would yesterday, as I anticipated my five year colonoscopy appointment this morning. As you all know, it isn't the physical "act" of whatever goes up your a**, it's the prep. I fasted all day on clear, no red or purple dyed drinks and was about to mix that wonderfully cleansing cocktail called MoviPrep when I checked over the instructions one last time and discovered my appointment wasn't until the 15th!! It might have felt like relief, except it's still ahead of me. I even rejoiced in perhaps shedding a few (of the many) unwanted pounds until I began compensating for going hungry all day by eating breakfast, lunch and dinner in one sitting.
     How could the 1st and 15th get mixed up? If you're not already where I am in age, you'll find out soon enough. My email inbox is full of charming movies or clever comments on the wonders of losing your memory. I think I've seen them all before (haven't I?), but it's a nice reminder that I'm not alone in this hide and seek "golden" age.
     I told my mother-in-law, Maralyn, when I REALLY start losing my memory I'm going to jump off a curb so my kids won't have to listen to the same story 15 times a day. "Honey," she said, "by then you won't remember what you're supposed to do." Ain't it the truth!
     Enjoy the day, whether you can remember it tomorrow or not! :} As Mae West said: "Old age ain't for sissies." I'm a believer.