
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Oh, yes. The beauty of spring is evident in the yellow-headed daffodils standing sentry over the emerging tulips--being covered in snow! Yes, it snowed five times here today, with some accumulations in the mountains reaching a foot. This April in Utah will be one of the coldest on record, isn't that something to jump up and down about!?!? Everyone is grumbling about this "damn long winter," and some are even threatening to move away, but do you think old man cold and frost cares? No, he's hanging around like stink. It sure puts a crimp on getting out and enjoying the weather--unless you like winter sports. In that case, you might be able to ski in July this year.
     The golf course hates it. Every time there's a tinge of blue to the sky, a parade of golf carts wobble through the muddy fairways, leaving ruts all over the place. They've staked some areas to preserve the grass, but it's a soggy mess.
     I joined our complexes "Condo Babes" (snicker, snicker--we're none of us babes!) for the first time last Friday. I should have stayed home. Not only did I get mud covered, I missed the ball on three out of every four swings! The "Oh, it will be fun. Don't worry if you can't play well, we understand." became "Keep your head down! Did you hear me? Keep your head down!" before we'd finished the first hole. Actually, I thought the other three lovely ladies in our foursome were very generous with their patience and advice. I'd have driven off and left me to sink to my knees in the muck! I don't even dare suggest joining them again--and I'm sure they won't either.
     But, tomorrow we're meeting for our "Skinny Bitches" exercise. I have no clue where the name came from because we're not skinny and we're not bitches. And, we really do exercise--before we indulge in sprinkled donuts. But...I lead the Yoga section and we'll see how the great golfers do at bending like a pretzel tomorrow. :}
     Oh. Just a final word of encouragement. My grandmother Teola had a favorite (aggravating) saying: "It always snows on the lilacs." Our lilacs haven't begun to bloom yet. Maybe it is time to move!

1 comment:

  1. I commend you for trying last Friday...I continue to be a chicken re: the "Condo Babes"!!! ; }
