
Monday, February 21, 2011

Other Duh's

Isn't this a shocker. I'm actually posting early! I'm headed to Salt Lake to spend a couple of days with a dear friend while she has some outpatient surgery, and since I'm still living in the dark ages, I don't have a lap-top. I'm heading down tonight because she has to be at the hospital at 5:30. YES, 5:30 AM. This will be tough for a night owl. It might be easier on my body to just stay up! :)
     I'm feeling so pleased because for once I'm not Lyn-duh. I've caught others in the DUH act, as follows:
     My mom. (I know--easy target!) She and my step-dad went to IHOP for breakfast recently. As they were leaving, Mom went to wait by the door, while Jack paid the check.  When she saw him approach, she reached out and took his arm for him to help her to the car, except it wasn't Jack and she had the arm of a stranger. He and his wife were gracious and laughed, though I'm sure my mother turned every shade of red available.
     Mike. Last week I couldn't find a big brown tray we use occasionally. I asked Mike if he knew where it was and he said he hadn't seen it. Following a lecture on leaving it somewhere and had I remembered to put our name on it, the matter was closed (though I KNEW I never took that tray out of the house because it's so ugly!). Yesterday, he came to me and said, "I have something to tell you that will make you happy, but mad at me. I found the tray. It was with some of my things." I was so proud of him for not hiding the tray in a different cupboard and "discovering" it later, I couldn't be mad at him.
     Mike. Same day. He had been working in the garage and came in to refill his Windex bottle. After he finished he headed back to the garage, but found instead of the Windex bottle, he was carrying the remote! (Yes, he is male, isn't he!)
     My sister. On pain of death, I have been warned NOT to use her name, so we'll call her Bonnie. Bonnie stopped at a fast food restaurant (What is it with our family and restaurants??). After she left the counter, she heard her phone ringing and started looking for it. She couldn't find it in her pocket, in her purse and it wasn't on the table. Knowing she was on the phone when she entered the restaurant, she checked to make sure she didn't leave it on the counter when she picked up her order. While this was going on, her daughter asked what she was looking for. "My phone," Bonnie answered. "I know I had it when I came in here." After a long pause, her daughter said, "Mom, you do realize you're talking to me on your cell phone, don't you?" And Bonnie isn't even blonde.
     There. I feel so much better!

Quote of the day: Pride goeth before a fall.  I can't wait to see what stupid thing I'll do now after laughing at everyone else!

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